The empire of Asmodee has grown even more as they announced that they have now acquired web based board game software Board Game Arena (BGA), a digital multiplayer board game platform.

It’s worth noting Board game arena has seen enormous success and user growth during the 2020 pandemic.

Asmodee has been continuously growing its portfolio for board game industry assets form popular design companies making it an industry powerhouse.

Board game Arena has been around since 2010 by Gregory Isabelli and Emmanuel Colin, is a board gaming platform that carries online versions of 250 games in 40 languages. It has 5 million subscribers, and has logged 4 million online games played since 2018.

Thomas Koegler, Head of Strategy at Asmodee, had the following to say about the acquisition:

“Our growth is based on one crucial commitment: offer the best gaming experience to consumers and bring our brands to the widest audience”, said Koegler. “Having a platform that allows players from all over the world to meet, play their favorite games together or discover new games is a natural fit alongside our amazing catalogue of board games.”

This is great for gamers wanting to play board games online as the acquisition of this platform gives asmodee a great opportunity for early access to games or closed virtual play-testing. We don’t know what this relationship will bring but hopefully we will see some growth in the online board game space as a result.

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