Thor Love and Thunder the 4th instalment of the Thor Franchise is set to hit screens in the next few years and one of the big questions on everybody’s lips is what will happen to Thor after this move.
With Chris Hemsworth telling news outlets that he Is Definitely Not Saying Goodbye to Marvel After Thor Love and Thunder.
In a new interview with the Polish magazine Elle Man When asked if Thor would retire after the upcoming movie, Hemsworth asserted that it wouldn’t be the end for his character.
“Are you crazy?! I’m not going into any retirement period. Thor is far too young for that. He’s only 1,500 years old,” he said. “It’s definitely not a film that I say goodbye to this brand. At least I hope so.” – Chris Hemsworth
So Why do people think Thor is Leaving the MCU
When Natalie Portman came on stage lifting Thor’s hammer san Diego comic con 2019 it marked Portman’s first major MCU appearance since Thor: The Dark World and her exit from the MCU after a falling out with marvel over Patty Jenkins leaving the project.
Keeping in mind this was all back in the days when the Marvel Creative Committee was still running the show at Marvel, which caused a lot of headaches for Kevin Feige before Bob Iger put him directly in charge in 2015.
The old days of marvel studios were not the amazing team and a lot has changed this change has been potentially linked to Natalie Portman’s return giving the team at marvel the opportunity to do Jason Aarons Mighty Thor storyline.
The Mighty Thor Storyline
In the Mighty Thor, Comic Series Written By Jason Aarons Fans Were shocked (and some unhappy) to see Jane Foster take up the Hammer Mjolnir after the storyline in Original Sin found Nick Furry saying a few words that left Thor unworthy and unable to lift Mjolnir leaving it lying on the moon.
Then Jane stepped in to defend Asgard taking up the mantle of Thor, and even though she was in treatment for breast cancer. This had a horrible side effect however and every time she became Thor, she undid the work that the chemotherapy was going to treat her cancer making her sicker and sicker.
Now one thing is for sure with Mjolnir now absent from the MCU the first thing the writers and directors of love and thunder will need to do is find a way to introduce the power of Thor or a new hammer as soon as possible, and this may be set up in the upcoming Dr Strange Multiverse film.
But fans have speculated that this storyline could cause the Chris Hemsworth version of the Character to be replaced with a Jane Foster/ Natalie Portman Version.
Will, There be Two Different Thor’s after Thor Love and Thunder
So this is now the question Will, There be Two Different Thor’s after Thor Love and Thunder?
We will certainly see this during the film but if we see it post Thor Love and Thunder the opportunity is there with many speculating that we will see one version to look after Asgard on earth and another to look after the more cosmic matters.
This is a very likely scenario that we may only find out the answer when the film hit theaters November 5, 2021 TBC!
Check out Comicstorian on youtube for a full recap of the Mighty Thor story