
Ever since the introduction of the DC Legends of Tomorrow Tv show on the CW causal comic book fans have been aware of the concept of Time Police. 

As the time masters showed us in the first season of legends these keepers of the timeline will do anything they can to keep things in order. 

Well, it looks like the latest trailers for the Loki tv have revealed that we may be meeting marvels version of the time police very soon.

So with that in mind let’s look at the organisation tasked with protecting marvels timeline and it’s occurrences in the comics as we explore the organisation that is the Time Variance Authority.

An introduction to the Time Variance Authority

The Time Variance Authority first appeared in Thor  Vol 1 issue number #372 in 1986 titled  Without Justice, There Is No Peace!”

In this story, justice peace (a TVA agent) works with Thor to travel back in time using Thor’s trusty hammer to start the time travelling motorbike Hopsikle in an attempt to stop the death of Jane foster. 

Thor time travelling using hopsikle
Thor time travelling using Hopsikle

Spoiler Alert they do it and the day is saved but an even more iconic thing happens the Time Variance Authority is born in Marvel comics. 

This story is crazy and I recommend reading it if you have the chance it’s the typical 80’s comic book and Deadpool even revisits this story In Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 288. 

About the Time Variance Authority 

The Time Variance Authority is an infinitely vast bureaucracy that governs a significant number of realities in the ever-growing multiverse.

Which has dedicated itself to keeping tabs on every reality that exists? It controls a temporal dominion which is approximately two or three times as large as Kang’s temporal empire.

All employees are born and bred specifically to complete their functions. Every employee in the TVA has lifetime employment.

It is an organization of faceless bureaucrats as seen in the image below.

The faceless agents of the TVA

Most TVA employees are cloned from the same genetic stalk to reduce disputes and improve efficiency. 

However, they do recruit new promising candidates such as Justice Peace as seen in the organisation’s debut in Thor.

Clones of Gruenwald 

The Agents of the TVA are all apart of an inside joke at marvel comics as all of the upper management is “cloned” from Mark Gruenwald.

This was done by Marvel to pay homage to the long-time Marvel Comics‘ writer/editor and continuity expert. 

Appearances in marvel comics 

The Time Variance Authority have appeared in marvel comics a total of 33 times with some of the more notable crossovers being with Deadpool, the fantastic 4, she-hulk and Thor. 

Click Here to Head over to Amazon to Read these Awesome Titles

Marvel Comics On Amazon

Thor Vol 1 371
Thor Vol 1 372
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Marvel Encyclopedia Vol 1 

Fantastic Four 4 Vol 1 15
Fantastic Four 4 Vol 1 18
She-Hulk Vol 2 1
She-Hulk Vol 2 2
She-Hulk Vol 2 3
She-Hulk Vol 2 4
She-Hulk Vol 2 5
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 11
Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four Vol 1 23
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Vol 1 12
Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 17
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic Vol 1 4
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Vol 1 2
Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 287
Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 288
You Are Deadpool Vol 1 3
You Are Deadpool Vol 1 5
Cable & Deadpool Annual Vol 1 1

The Time Variance Authority in Loki 

Footage released at the latest Super Bowl has shown us a version of Loki that has been captured by the Time Variance Authority.

This seems fitting as the organisation first appeared in a Thor comic back in the ’80s and we can’t wait to see how this organisation conducts itself in the Disney+ Series.

She-hulk and the Time Variance Authority

Another upcoming Disney+ main series character to have a conflict with the Time Variance Authority is non-other then Jeniffer Walters also known as she-hulk.

During a case with the TVA In an attempt to save Hawkeye life, Jenifer tried to pass a letter to Hawkeye.

For her interference with the timeline, She-Hulk was brought to trial before the TVA.

During the trial, Clockwise infiltrated the Null-Time Zone where the trial was being conducted.

She-Hulk was able to stop Clockwise, and due to this Southpaw successfully argued for She-Hulk’s value to the multiverse saving her life.

Time Variance Authority In Future MCU Shows

We already know that the Time Variance Authority is making an appearance in the future Loki Series but given the organisation’s links to Deadpool and She-Hulk expect to see more of this organisation hit our screens very soon.

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