Are you looking for some cheap games on a budget well we have you covered with some great games that all cost under $40 USD this months game Magic Maze may be the game for you?
Magic Maze
Cost $35
Game Details:
Players: 1–8
Playing Time: 15 Min
Age: 8+
After being stripped of all their possessions, a mage, a warrior, an elf, and a dwarf are forced to go rob the local Magic Maze shopping mall for all the equipment necessary for their next adventure. They agree to map out the labyrinth in its entirety first, then find each individual’s favorite store, and then locate the exit. In order to evade the surveillance of the guards who eyed their arrival suspiciously, all four will pull off their heists simultaneously, then dash to the exit. That’s the plan anyway…but can they pull it off?
Magic Maze is a real-time, cooperative game. Each player can control any hero in order to make that hero perform a very specific action, to which the other players do not have access: Move north, explore a new area, ride an escalator… All this requires rigorous cooperation between the players in order to succeed at moving the heroes prudently. However, you are allowed to communicate only for short periods during the game; the rest of the time, you must play without giving any visual or audio cues to each other. If all of the heroes succeed in leaving the shopping mall in the limited time allotted for the game, each having stolen a very specific item, then everyone wins together.
At the start of the game, you have only three minutes in which to take actions. Hourglass spaces you encounter along the way give you more time. If the sand timer ever completely runs out, all players lose the game: Your loitering has aroused suspicion, and the mall security guards nab you!
Here’s the most frenetic cooperative board game we’ve ever played; more so than even Spaceteam. The idea behind Magic Maze is actually pretty simple, as are (theoretically) the rules. You and up to seven friends take the role of four Dungeons & Dragons characters engaged in a petty larceny at a labyrinthine local shopping complex. Against a three-minute sand timer, you guide the characters around a walled maze, one move at a time, to find and steal weapons. The yellow barbarian must nab the yellow sword, the green ranger pinches the green bow, and so on. Once all four characters make it to their armaments, everyone scrams for the exit.
Here’s what makes the game interesting: each player controls every character simultaneously, but only a few actions. In an eight-player game, you may only be able to move characters south, while your friend can only open doors, or move characters up and down escalators. Everyone has to coordinate…but nobody is allowed to speak. You can stare intently at your friends, or place the game’s “Do Something!” figure in front of them, but you have to silently hope they realise what it is you want.
This game is sure to be a blast with your friends and at such a cheap price point there is no reason to add it to your collection
Where to Buy: Where board games are sold