Amazon has become a giant in the retail industry with users flocking to the site every day to buy everything from groceries to 1500 Live Ladybugs.
With all these people visiting every day leaving their thoughts on different games we thought why not collate some of the best comments to give you a people choice version of the top 2019 Board Games as voted by you.
Top 2019 Board Games as Voted by Amazon.
1. Wingspan (2019)
Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games.
You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats (actions). These habitats focus on several key aspects of growth:
- Gain food tokens via custom dice in a birdfeeder dice tower
- Lay eggs using egg miniatures in a variety of colors
- Draw from hundreds of unique bird cards and play them
The winner is the player with the most points after 4 rounds.
If you enjoy Terraforming Mars and Gizmos, we think this game will take flight at your table.
—description from the publisher
Amazon Review
This game is beautiful and so much fun to play. We have been counting down the days for its arrival since we played it at a friend’s house a couple months ago (then INSISTED that we be invited back to play again). It’s one of those games where, even when you lose, the concept and execution is so wonderful that you enjoy playing. If you can snag this for the retail price, _run_ don’t walk to get this.
Amazon Review
The game is not super simple, so if you’re playing with the young/inexperienced/daft, this may be difficult at first for them to pick up. But the theming is so gorgeous that I think it will appeal to people who aren’t traditional board game geeks. It’s also not so complicated that it will take two hours to set up and explain, like some games.
The game is not vicious – on the margin, you can harm another player intentionally. But, for the most part, you’re doing your own thing on your own board. That’s good if you’re playing with sensitive types. There’s also a decent amount of luck, with the card drawing. I like luck, because it means that new players can win.
Other game makers – please make games this beautiful in other genres!! I want more like Wingspan. If you know of other games like this, reply in the comments to this post. Thanks!
2. The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019)
Embark on your own adventures in J.R.R. Tolkien’s iconic world with The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth, a fully co-operative, app-supported board game for one to five players! You’ll battle villainous foes, make courageous choices, and strike a blow against the evil that threatens the land — all as part of a thrilling campaign that leads you across the storied hills and dales of Middle-earth.
Each individual game of Journeys in Middle-earth is a single adventure in a larger campaign. You’ll explore the vast and dynamic landscapes of Middle-earth, using your skills to survive the challenges that you encounter on these perilous quests. As you and your fellow heroes explore the wilderness and battle the dark forces arrayed against you, the game’s companion app guides you to reveal the looming forests, quiet clearings, and ancient halls of Middle-earth, while also controlling the enemies you encounter. Whether you’re venturing into the wild on your own or with close companions by your side, you can write your own legend in the history of Middle-earth.
—description from the publisher
Amazon Review
This may very well be my first review on Amazon. Can’t remember.
Amazon Review
I’m an avid Tolkien fan, and grew up reading and loving both the LOTR series and the Hobbit. So whenever a game comes out with a Tolkien theme I become very interested. I remember loving the adaptation of risk to the Middle Earth theme (loved that game).
I played this game several times now and really enjoy how smooth the mechanics are and how easily it is to set up a game and follow the instructions within the app. Reminds me of another of my favorite games called Mansions of Madness as far as the app laying out the terrain and keeping track of encounters. Also reminds me of another game I love, Gloomhaven. Relys on a card mechanic for testing abilities and attacking enemies.
What I love:
I love that it’s easy to introduce new players to this game and then with a small learning curve as they can Jump Right In. The mechanics keep the game simple enough but it’s easy to pick up but there seems to be enough strategy built into the decisions you make.
What could be improved:
Most glaring thing for me is that– so far– everything seems pretty much more of the same. Even all the tiles look very similar. Something I loved about Mansions of Madness is the variety of settings and Terrain. And you really felt like you were in the hallway or outside in a gazebo or in a study. In Journeys in Middle Earth you just all looks the same and there doesn’t seem to be much variety. Maybe they’ll fix this with some of the expansions but so far it seems like we’re just walking through forest, and more forest, and more Forest. Would love to see a little more variety and even a little more flavor to the tiles just to give that sense that not everything is the same. Even just having different Trevor is would had some interest. For example some tiles could be Heavy dark Pines in others could be quaky Aspen and others could be more swampland Etc. Maybe this could be an indicator of certain elements you’re more likely to find like game animals, trinkets, Jewels, Etc. Just some thoughts.
Overall loving the game so far, and my 8 year old son loves it as well 🙂
3. The Ancient World (Second Edition) (2019)
In an ancient world forgotten by time, enormous titans terrorize the land. Five tribes have been fleeing from the titans for centuries, but things are about to change. Growing city-states pledge to end the reign of terror, determined to take on the titans and make the world a safer place for all. Each city-state competes to attract the tribes, eager for the strength of the combined peoples, who are now leaving behind old traditions with the hope that the titans can be defeated once and for all.
In The Ancient World, players compete to grow the largest and most influential city-state by managing citizens, treasury, and military and by defeating titans. Players take turns sending citizens to take special actions or using military cards to attack titans. One of the actions a citizen can perform is to build Empire cards, which give more citizens, money, and abilities.
A city-state’s influence in the world is measured by sets of tribe banners that it owns. Each Empire card has one or more tribe banners, and tribe banners can also be gained by defeating titans. Players gain victory points (VPs) for sets of tribe banners. After six rounds, the player with the most VPs from sets of tribe banners wins.
The second edition features:
– Numbered, limited edition boxes
– Designer’s signature printed in metallic ink
– Revised and new titans
– Larger, revised player boards
– Expanded game play, including a new resource: AMBROSIA
– Titans now attack YOU!
– Updated district and empire cards
Amazon Review
I saw this game on kickstarter a while ago and thought it looked pretty awesome never ended up coming back to it until I stumbled onto it here on Amazon. My initial thoughts were correct, it IS an awesome game.
Amazon Review
After unpacking the box and punching out the pieces, there were a few things that I noticed immediately about the quality. First of all, the material quality of the game is fantastic! The cardboard pieces don’t feel like they’re going to delaminate or fall apart after the third game and the board certainly has some heft to it. With that being said, aside for being high-res images, the print and cut quality is unbelievably poor. None of the currency used in game is anywhere close to being centered, the worker tokens are only slightly better. The backs of the cards are VERY noticeably different colors for cards within the same deck, like the printer was running out of ink.
As for the game, coming from playing Race for the Galaxy (another empire building game), I was incredibly surprised! There are many facets to this game (military, food, currency, banners, knowledge) that must be constantly monitored, leading to a seemingly complex gameplay that somehow vanishes in the excitement of developing your empire and defeating titans. It took 2 games to get the mechanics of the game down and I am still working on finding a good strategy, but every game that I play is just as exciting as the last.
I’ve only played with 1 other person so far and the placement of workers can get pretty cut-throat, I can’t wait to play with 4 people! I would give the game 5 stars, but the publishing quality severely detracts from the beauty of the game, which is why I’m only giving it 4.