
Looking for an exciting new party game?

Gorilla Marketing by Roxley games will be released in retail on the 4th of March 2020, this party game from Wyse is for 3-8 players that presents its players with a realistic set-up.

Gorilla Marketing, Roxley, 2020

The Set-up

Here we have an advertising agency with a problem.

To hear the CEO tell it, the fault lies with his “idiotic advertising execs”. But the more immediate problem facing the firm is the fact that he has just fired them all!

That’s Right ALL OF THEM

Even witnesses down on 4th Street could hear his rage-fueled tirade that he ended with


Cut to a month later, and his solution was exactly that.

Now you and your fellow Gorillas are now marketing execs working for bananas

The old grouch replaced all of his employees with a bunch of primates: you and your opponents.

This is the glamorous life of 1960s advertising execs.

About the Game

Gorilla Marketing is a party game of naming ridiculous products, movies, companies, bands, college courses, or food trucks!

It is played over two different rounds: In round 1, you name the thing, and in round 2, you write the advertising tag line for it.

So you know just like the real advertising world

Round 1 starts by each player picking a category and putting it at the top of their booklet.

In the movie pack, for example, these categories might be something like Horror or Western. Each turn, pass booklets to the left and roll the dice to form an acronym.

Players must use the letters that were rolled and write down the name of a ridiculous movie that fits the acronym and the category of the booklet in front of them.

Once your booklet comes back to you, it’s time to use the crazy awards on your card to judge the best answer.

Which of these Western movies features the “Closest Close-Up”?

The gorillas with winning titles will earn what we’re all after: bananas!

In Round 2, we’re passing booklets around again, using acronyms to write the advertising tag lines for the winning titles from Round 1.

The best tag lines will earn MORE BANANAS!

Release Date

Gorilla Marketing will be released in retail on the 4th of March 2020

We cant wait to play this one the combination of the fantastic theme and the potential hilarious results of playing it are a recipe for a party board game success.

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