Kindness and compassion! These are traits that we need more and more in these hard times and GMT games is demonstrating what that looks like.

In an announcement in there newsletter GMT will be giving away free board games to those that have lost there job due to the corona virus.

The offer is for two games for those in the USA and one game for those internationally.

Offical Announcement From GMT Games

Source GMT Newsletter

Doing a Bit to Care for our Customers, Too: The Return of the Tough Economy Special

We know that this virus, in addition to the threat it poses to our collective health, has had a negative economic impact on many of our customers, as well.

As with so many social or economic problems, it’s not within our power to provide big fixes—to restore lost jobs, retirement funds, or lost earning power.

But we’ve decided, as we did numerous times in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown, that we can show support for those of you who have lost jobs by giving you a free game or two.

I know it’s not much in the greater scheme of things, but we want you to know that we are thinking of you and that your welfare—including the ability to destress and decompress from the pressures of the world by playing games—is important to us.

Here are the details:

EligibilityIf you have lost your job due to shutdown-related layoffs or closings since March 15, 2020, you are eligible to get one (non-US customers) or two (US customers) free games from us, from games that are in stock now. 

We’d love to give an extra game to international customers as well, but the spiking shipping rates overseas limit our ability to do so.

Process. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, please drop an email to Tony Curtis, our LLC Manager, at Please include proof or explanation of your job loss and your choice of which in-stock game(s) you’d like us to send.

Tony will work with our office folks to take care of getting your game(s) shipped out to you.

One Game Exemption. We’re sorry, but we’re exempting the new game Imperial Struggle from this offer.

We printed twice as many as usual, but based on current demand it looks like they’ll be sold out within a couple months.

Support GMT games

This is another incredible demonstration of kindness from board game publishers and creators in a season of free printable games helping us get though this pandemic.

Make sure you check out

And support these guys and everything they are doing.

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