Are you looking for some cheap games on a budget well we have you covered with some great games that all cost under $40 USD this months game Sagrada may be the game for you?
Cost $39USD
Game Details:
Players: 1–4
Playing Time: 35 Min
Age: 14+
Draft dice and use the tools-of-the-trade in Sagrada to carefully construct your stained glass window masterpiece.
In more detail, each player builds a stained glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on which colour or shade (value) of die can be placed there. Dice of the same shade or colour may never be placed next to each other. Dice are drafted in player order, with the start player rotating each round, snaking back around after the last player drafts two dice. Scoring is variable per game based on achieving various patterns and varieties of placement…as well as bonus points for dark shades of a particular hidden goal colour.
Special tools can be used to help you break the rules by spending skill tokens; once a tool is used, it then requires more skill tokens for the next player to use them.
The highest scoring window artisan wins!
In Sagrada, you and up to three friends compete to design and craft historically marvelous stained glass windows.
The basic mechanics underlying Sagrada are elegant in their simplicity. Each round, someone grabs a handful of multicolored six-sided die from a bag and rolls them. Then, players take turns drafting and placing the die like shards of stained glass onto a personal 4×5 grid “window,” making sure to follow the game’s simple placement rules: Dice of the same color or number can’t ever touch. As your window fills up, these restrictions can become absolutely crippling, so foresight is a must.
Best of all, Sagrada is one of the extremely few games with a single-player mode (an increasingly popular trope for board-game designers) that’s actually worth your time. Visually arresting and endlessly replayable, Sagrada is certainly the best puzzle game in a while.
This game is sure to be a blast with your friends and at such a cheap price point there is no reason to add it to your collection
Where to Buy: Where Board Games are Sold