
In an announcement from stonemaier games this morning the next wingspan Expansion will be based on oceanic birds.

However there is more to this announcement In a fantastic act of charity the publisher is donating $1 per email address to the wildlife effected by the Australian bushfires.

Over 500,000 animals have lost there lives due to this tragic event as well as homes and livelihoods so please check at the post below and do what you can to help.

Due to the sheer number of birds affected by the Australian wildfires, Stonemaier Games is announcing early that the next expansion for Wingspan will focus on the region of Oceania. Sign up here to be notified first when the Oceania expansion preorder launches later in 2020; for each email we collect by January 22, Stonemaier Games will donate $1 to WIRES, a wildlife rescue organization in Australia.

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