This 40-Year-Old Game is gotten a reprint and it looks Amazing!
Dune has been Resurrected
The board game adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune first published over 40 years ago and has become a coveted item for board game collectors. Has been out of print for a very long time and luck in a licencing hold is back and available in stores now.
This fantastic news is all the work of board game Publisher Gale Force Nine (GF9) and sources have alluded to this just being the beginning of its newly-forged partnership with the Herbert estate to release more fantastic games from the franchise.
The game was adapted from a Print & Play fan version of the game that use to be available on Boardgamegeek but has now been removed due to it being purchased and incorporated into this new release of the classic Dune game.
The Theme
In DUNE you will become the leader of one of six great factions.
Each wishes to control the most valuable resource in the universe – melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet DUNE. As Duke Leto Atreides says “All fades before melange.
A handful of spice will buy a home on Tupile. It cannot be manufactured, it must be mined on Arrakis. It is unique and it has true geriatric properties.” And without melange space travel would be impossible.
Only by ingesting the addictive drug can the Guild Steersman continue to experience visions of the future, enabling them to plot a safe path through hyperspace.
Who will control DUNE? Become one of the characters and their forces from the book and . . . You decide!
Description from the publisher.
The Components
Everything Looks Fantastic from the graphic to the board even the rule book has had a complete overhaul and just looks really
Gale force nine released an image of the board and all the components that we have posted below for you to check out.

How to Play
Check out the Review on Sit Down Shutup to find out how to play this reprint of the classic Dune Game.
Where to get it
Dune has now been released to the retail market so you can get a copy at your local Boardgame Shop or anywhere online board games are sold.